The “No Electronics Day” Challenge

As I sit here tip-tapping away on my laptop I’m really excited about sharing the newest addition to our regular weeks here in our household! This past week I felt like I was just too into other peoples lives and not enough into ours. I wouldn’t say our relationship was suffering but  that I felt it could benefit from more “us” time!

So, Every Thursday night of every week we have changed our house into “No Electronics Day.” What does this mean? It means the following need to be shut down, thrown out, and or hidden:

Phones (house/cell)




Video Game Systems


CD/Cassette Players (yeah…I went there…I’m sure people still have those!)

And anything electrical except lights and kitchen appliances of course. We made Pumpkin Soup (because we’re completely and utterly obsessed) which took us a good 2 hours altogether, we read books, played games, I finished wrapping/making Toblerone’s Bday present which is the 30th, went for a walk with our puppy,  and went to bed at a reasonable time. It was great and I slept a million times better feeling way more refreshed this morning.

Toblerone went to work and started the epidemic with his colleagues and a few people have already expressed how they want to participate on facebook. So, I challenge you. I challenge you to turn off the buzz and turn on the love with your family! Pick a day that works best around everyone’s schedules and as soon as everyone is home from work/school…the challenge begins.  Try it once a week for a month and go from there! Get out! Go to Museums! Play Games! Invent something!  Let me know in the comments how it works out! Was it difficult? Were you aching for your cell phone?

I won’t lie, I had moments where I really wanted to just check Facebook, update Twitter, etc etc, but we stuck to it and the rewards were greater than hearing about someone’s breakup for the 20th time or about how their kid just took his first steps.  I was tuned into my own home and family. This is a tradition I will continue each week! Once we have children, it will be a part of their lives as well.

Until next time, Readers!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox

8 thoughts on “The “No Electronics Day” Challenge

  1. Good idea…I was just thinking a couple of days ago about trying this once a week for a full day. I don’t think a full day is possible because socially I still need to communicate with friends, but I think if I limited one day to one hour I would still get the minimum necessary social stuff done and have almost a full computerless day.

    • A full day would be hard unless I was hiking in Austria where I didn’t have a choice! (No cell service…etc). For us, this starts the moment Toblerone gets home from work. The cellphones go off and we start! A few hours is possible!

  2. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already 😉 Cheers!

  3. I know I’m late to the party, but I love this idea.

    “I don’t think a full day is possible because socially I still need to communicate with friends”

    Sadly this is the reason for a day like this – you really don’t need facebook/texting/ect to keep up with friends … why not use the day to go see them?

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