Let Me Take My Bow

You know how everyone says, “I never win anything!”??? Yeah, I was definitely one of those people but may god strike me with a ball of thunder and lightening of fire if I ever say it again! Mark my words, lovelies, I have WON something! Something great! Something better than the lottery. I won the Versatile Blogger Award!!!! It’s so nice to be recognized for my blog, which I’m crazy passionate about.


And who do I have to thank?? A fellow Versatile Blogger, From Casinos to Castles. As an expat much like myself, she understands the hard work that goes behind falling in love with a European and living in a country that is not so similar to your own. She’s got a sense a humor I really dig so I STRONGLY urge you to go and check her out and stay for a bit on her side of the internet! So, THANK YOU for the award…Glad I’m no longer a “virgin” in the winning circle of life! And Happy to join such a versatile blogger such as yourself!!!

With this great honor comes a few rules that all must abide by. Kind of like a secret society…I always wanted to be in a secret club. So here it goes based on what is listed here!

1. Thank the person who gave you this award. (Thank You to: From Casinos To Castles!)
2. Include a link to their blog. (Just in case you missed the link above, go here: http://fromcasinostocstles.wordpress.com/)
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

I follow many great bloggers and discover more each week. I’m like a serial follower but I have no shame! A few of my favs at the moment in no particular order:

1. The Learning Curve
2. Wife In Captivity
3. Confuzzledom
4. My Life In Lederhosen
5. Spoonfuls of Germany
6. Germerican Denglish
7. Loving This Army Life
8. Doin’ Time On The Donau
9. Living The American Dream In Europe
10. Franglais
11. Sweet & Spicy Life
12. Ellie Moves To Deutschland
13. Small Town. Small Times.
14. Sojourning Abroad
15. Oh God, My Wife Is German

And as far as rule number 5 goes…I have to tell 7 things about myself to the person who nominated me. This is probably the hardest part!

1. My idol is Princess Diana. She held her head high with grace when put through the ringer by not only paparazzi but by the royal family as well. She was really something in her time and I would be happy to be half the woman she was!

2. I love to sing and like to think that I have a pretty good voice but I’m SO shy and don’t like to sing in front of anyone but my mom and my sister.

3. My cat, Max, died when I was about 13 years old and I must have cried for three days straight. Mariah Carey’s version of “Can’t Live” still throws me into a pit of black sadness about my long lost cat!

4. I seriously dig old school musicals. Anything to do with Judy Garland or Fred Astaire really get me excited! Favorite movie of all time is The Harvey Girls.

5. 80’s music makes me want to puke. One song here or there is ok, especialy when I’m drunk or at an 80’s themed party, but as soon as Madonna comes on, I’ll set the radio on fire.

6. I always said I wanted to be a house wife until I became one, lol.

7. If I was in prison and was allowed one last meal, it would be mac & cheese with hotdogs made by my mom and creamed tuna or creamed chipped beef on toast made by my dad.

So, that ends my tasks to accept the award and now that I’ve won, I’m off to hire a doorman, a maid, gardener, pool boy, and personal chef. I always knew I was a regal kind of gal… 🙂

Until next time, Readers!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

8 thoughts on “Let Me Take My Bow

  1. Pingback: I got an award thingie! | Doin' Time On The Donau

  2. Pingback: I got an award thingie! – Sunshine. Whimsy. Tacos.

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